Current Lab Members

Alberto Paccanaro
Professor in Machine Learning and Computational Biology
Escola de Matemática Aplicada - FGV EMAp
Department of Computer Science - Royal Holloway, University of London
Escola de Matemática Aplicada - FGV EMAp
Department of Computer Science - Royal Holloway, University of London

Ruben Jimenez
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

María del Mar Sánchez
Software Engineer

Aldo Galeano
PhD Student

Santiago Noto
PhD Student

Marcelo Báez
PhD Student
Former Lab Members

Mateo Torres
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Suzana Santos
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Alfonso E. Romero
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Horacio Caniza
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Haixuan Yang
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Fabio Manfredini
Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Cheng Ye
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Cristina Sisu
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Diego Galeano
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Michele Nacucchi
Postgraduate Student

Jessica Gliozzo
Postgraduate Student

Juan J. Caceres
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Tamás Nepusz
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Jona Boscolo
Postgraduate Student

Emilio Ferrara
Postgraduate Student

Kit Lawes
Postgraduate Student

Prajwal Bhat
Postgraduate Student

Sandra Smieszek
Postgraduate Student

Dimitrios Zervas
Research Assistant

Víctor Yubero
Postgraduate Student

Charlotte Rigby-Jones
Undergraduate Student

Svilen Gospodinov
Undergraduate Student

Pankaj Garg

Ahmed Hassan
Undergraduate Student

Samuel Heron
Postgraduate Student

Beatrix Horvath
Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Csaba Papdi
Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Mike Winter
Undergraduate Student

Frens Tedeschini
Research Assistant